
Psychotherapy and Counseling in Sofia, Bulgaria

Certified Psychotherapist in Sofia, Bulgaria

I’m Licensed Professional Psychotherapist; Psychologist; Psychoanalyst in training (Sigmund Freud University-Vienna with BOGAP) and on top of that I’m going to acquire and Coach Certification (with ICF).

I started my practice in 2013 while I was working full-time as editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan Bulgaria.

Since 2015 I’m full time in my private practice, providing a wide spectrum of professional counseling and consulting services, addressing mental health and personal growth needs, promoting awareness and prevention through individual sessions.

My goal is to provide quality mental health treatment, customized to each individual’s unique needs, in a safe and comfortable place where my patients can openly and in confidence share feelings, concerns, struggles, and establish a positive change in their lives.

My office is in central part of Sofia, easy accessible by car or metro.


Getting Started

Schedule an appointment, sending me a mail (detelina.stamenova at gmail dot com); contact me via my website; Viber (+359888388912) or Skype (detelinastamenova)

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